Raleigh Real Estate Rediscovered Blog
Just about anywhere you look you can find upgrades from old technology to
LED lighting. This applies both indoors and outdoors and in large cities
and sm...
4 years ago
Mmmmm! That was some good chocolate.
Do these grapes in my hair make my butt look big?
Come on girls-a challenge-how about something esoteric/philosophical-raise the bar a tad. The winner gets a prize!
Hmmm. Innerestin' caption, there, M.M.
It's beyond me how you got such a specific reading. But that's why you're the intuitive one around here.
That I am!
just sayin
Ha! So you choose to play along with my playing along, eh? (That's a question, not a caption. Just bein' clear. Don't have an enigmatic cell in my whole body)
just sayin
Now bring on some more!
Do you dare?
Well, I 'spose I could ask whether one's choices are doled out by others, and if not, how could it be possible for anyone to give anyone else NO CHOICE. 'Spose I could just ask for clarification on that. But that choice is entirely up to me. OKAY. I've made my choice. I'm askin'.
Tarnation Margo Moon.
I just got home and am dang pukered out.
I think I'll think about it in the mornin.
After all... tomorrow is another day.
Was that a gauntlet of some sort? The 'tomorrow is another day' part? Because the whole 'tomorrow-ness' thing is such a broad, popularly accepted construct, and I was thinking you were being all esoteric.
Well, switching gears then, let me just say, today has arrived! Yay!
Clue: said when everything was in ruin.
A rhetorical gauntlet as the speaker is in a state of ennui!
The masses had a wide view of the picture.
Da da dadada
yes, yes
I still haven't answered that one. But who has?
Anyway, ennui's a big state.
Clue: STATE: Atlanta, Georgia
Thar ya go. And anybody comes along tryin' to say that's a city, you tell 'em they have to talk to me. (I'll think of something)
Clue:It's the BIG picture!
Some folks have written me-they want the answer.
Scarlet O'Hara in
The story took place in Atlanta, Georgia.
The famous last line was," I think I'll think about it in the mornin.
Tomorrow is another day."
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