Friday, February 19, 2010

checkin out for a while

Packin, movin, and settin up! I'll write when I am settled. Be well!

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Blog

Please visit my new blog:

This blog is reserved for my biographical stuff and my attempts at creative writing.

If you have been a follower you will recognize some old pieces-am trying to bunch things together.

Hope you stop by!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The last snow

I believe that it is safe to say that this will be the last blizzard I will see while living in this house. I have shoveled five times since 7 am this morning. It is now 5 pm. Yea, I know the blog time is ALWAYS wrong. I gave up on that years ago.

The trees are snow encrusted looking like floppy angles wings. But real heavy. I thought of putting up a picture but nothing could touch the beauty of this place for me now.

My arms are not too bad but my shoulders are killing me. My ribs are wrapped up due to sustaining several broken ribs a few weeks ago. That was supposed to be gone by now but I guess Mother Nature doesn’t know the six week rule. Not being the fragile type I just keep shoveling. It’s only three or four inches at a time and I have been doing this since 1987 generally on my own so I am used to it. Kind of makes me feel like a senior version of Super Woman whizzing through 125 feet of the front sidewalk.

I am actually kind of tearful. I have mowed this land, hand sawed branches, felled trees with an axe-no I am not a butch-I am the frilly type. But I was a daddy’s’ girl and when my dad died I inherited his ability to fix things, figure things out, paint, (I have painted this house several times on my own) mow, chop and……

I was going to buy a house but must move out so soon that there is just no time. Where will all of these wonderful talents go to if I am in a mere apartment? How will I honor my dad’s gifts?

Just needed to blow off some steam. The real blizzard is yet to come. We will not be clear until 6am on Thursday. I am drying my cloths on ladders, five feet of boxed books and lamps that are awaiting their new shades upon entering our new residence.

During the summer I bitched and moaned about mowing this gigantic piece of property and ordinarily I would be bitching and moaning about the snow but I now realize what I wonderful vehicle of physical strength this property has been for me all of these years.

I hope all of you fair well during this event. Try to enjoy it-be grateful that you have what it takes to do it. I am.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The house is SOLD!
Yup, can't believe it!

I am racing around looking for a new home. I also have plans for a new blog where I will publish the memories of a kid from the Bronx as well as my creative pieces.

I have not been very creative lately. I hope to get my juices going again when I settle in my new home.

It's all good!

Friday, February 5, 2010

BUSY Pictures, Images and Photos

Lots going on but I am Italian and quite superstitious.

Monday, February 1, 2010


PhotobucketI walked along the ocean shore yesterday. Though only nine miles from the Atlantic I have not been there for too long a time. For years, I daily strolled along the magnificent shore with it's beige-white sand. The water was a crystal blue and the waves were uneven: Some were high, rough-white, ruffles of cream and lace.

In the past I arrived by six in the morning, even on the coldest days. I belonged to a club of diehards who never spoke and rarely nodded. The business at hand was different for each. Some whizzed by in their reserved bike lanes. Others sped by in their wheelchairs surpassing all others. If you want a definition of determination, look into the face of an athlete manually directing those wheels.

Though cold, the wind on my face was velvet and caressing. It was a coming home. There was pure peace, calm and serenity flowing through my being.

When blessed with such "peace that surpasseth understanding".
One is grateful!