I walked along the ocean shore yesterday. Though only nine miles from the Atlantic I have not been there for too long a time. For years, I daily strolled along the magnificent shore with it's beige-white sand. The water was a crystal blue and the waves were uneven: Some were high, rough-white, ruffles of cream and lace.
In the past I arrived by six in the morning, even on the coldest days. I belonged to a club of diehards who never spoke and rarely nodded. The business at hand was different for each. Some whizzed by in their reserved bike lanes. Others sped by in their wheelchairs surpassing all others. If you want a definition of determination, look into the face of an athlete manually directing those wheels.
Though cold, the wind on my face was velvet and caressing. It was a coming home. There was pure peace, calm and serenity flowing through my being.
When blessed with such "peace that surpasseth understanding".
One is grateful!
Raleigh Real Estate Rediscovered Blog
Just about anywhere you look you can find upgrades from old technology to
LED lighting. This applies both indoors and outdoors and in large cities
and sm...
4 years ago