We flow, we are yin and yang, soft and hard, male and female, master and what? We share some characteristics of the roles we are, not play. Within our individual persona, there is a deep river of character, an intransigence that bows to no other’s laws whether written or assumed.
I have always known my essence. A formidable, yet feminine woman, my Italian heritage and theatre background supported my eccentricities allowing for their acceptance as my norm. As a young woman, I pranced around in spiked heels, and depending on the occasion, smooth white plumps, in the most devious manner, climbed their way out of whatever taffeta or silk I was wearing at the time.
Men fell at my feet.
She was the antithesis. The boy is extant- has always been there-will die there. Yet, it was only upon our meeting did he step out, however cautiously, at my behest. Then there was a proclamation.
This will be the first time we are actually together on our anniversary. I am virtually childlike in enthusiasm yet calculatingly mature but corrupt in my plans. I have planned this and that and THAT and THIS!
We resemble dolphins, gliding through the water together, close, no space for bubbles. Where we are is an ocean of silent exclusivity. The world goes on without us; we have little need of it. Wordless, neither of us can aptly describe our togetherness. If you have loved, you have experienced its simplicity. Not physical passion: the clutching of hearts, so engaged, rendering them unavailable to acknowledge even the existence of others.
Twenty days to go. There will undoubtedly be a couple of brawls before then, even a breakup. Neither of us has ever been accused of being possessed of calm temperament or mental stability.
Yet, we do have a rule, no matter what, no matter what side of the pond, when the plane lands, somebody’s waiting.

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