Candy really is my favorite poison. I bet you thought that it was the other thing. I can eat candy just about any time anywhere. Not just any candy however, I have my favorites and sometimes it is by season. Take Halloween for instance. Though Halloween lends itself to diversity, I do favor candy corn. You can find most any candy on the shelves in October except one, my most beloved candy of all, Nicco's, I love you hearts that come out for Valentine’s Day. Pure unadulterated sugaaarrrrrah!
At Easter, it’s the marshmallow peeps, and raspberry chocolate covered eggs and at Christmas, it’s the entire box of chocolates that people bring instead of fruitcake. Thank the goddess.
When I was a kid I used to steal candy from my sister’s Halloween and Easter baskets and I was accused of biting the head off her chocolate Santa’s at Christmas. I never confessed to that!
With both my pregnancies came threats of hospitalization. I ate, now I guess you will doubt this, at least three candy bars at night and sometimes many more. Scouts honor! I could not help myself. Just think of it, one Baby Ruth then a Fifth Avenue bar then a Milky Way followed by a Three Musketeers. Love those Musketeers!
My husband had to hide the stuff. There were threats of passing out, diabetes, harming the baby. Nothing worked. I had a stash everywhere in the house. Food, sex, socialization, writing and even reading baby books were passé. I had a mission, not purposeful but unconquerable, to consume as much as the white stuff I could in the shortest amount of time.
To this day, I have been known to go out in heavy rains at midnight if I really want a piece of candy. By the way, I don’t keep it in the house. The temptation is too great.
I am an equal opportunity sugar consumer. Pie is last on the list; Key Lime is ok as long as it is smothered in whip cream. There are two preferable ice creams, pistachio and butter crunch both of which must be heavily laden with caramel syrup and marshmallow whip and whipped cream. I can be quite appreciative of the right cake; tiramisu has been the pick for at least ten years.
I kind of rotate through the year and right now, it is red Twizzlers, Ju Ju Bes and Reisens.
I have met people who have no tolerance for the stuff. They abhor the taste of sweetness on the tongue. What is the matter with these people?

Sugar is addictive. Comfort food? I know the score, the symptoms. Before I got this addiction under control, I would walk around in a daze. Sugar is just like cocaine and opium. They are all natural substances, cocaine is the refined product of cocoa leaves, and opium comes from poppies and sugar from the cane.
Distinct from the others like alcohol etc., if you are savvy enough you can enjoy a bit of a sugar without going off the deep end. I have a rule: two a day. Whatever they are is just fine as it still beats the days when I was chemically compelled to consume an entire bag of miniature tootsie rolls and a bag of chuckles at one sitting.
No, I am not kidding!
Sugar, like any other addiction is an escape! Sometimes I will go for days without any simply to prove that I can. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said!
Copyright © 2008 by m.m.sugar
“Thou hadst better eat salt with the Philosophers of Greece, than sugar with the Courtiers of Italy.”
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