Hundreds of flyers have been found in several parking lots: perhaps just a hand full of bigots. Does it matter?
“Join the Klan and save our land” is the message. ”We of the United Northern & Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are unapologetically committed to the interest and values of the white race!”
Veterans of the Confederacy established the Klan in 1865 to guarantee white Southern supremacy.
Long Island evidenced it’s particular brand of bigotry in the early 20’s when the white robed bigots burned crosses in villages throughout the counties. This movement was overt. It is estimated that close to 25,000 men and women were members in good standing attending meetings and even parades without shame.
African –Americans, Catholics, Jews and foreign-born Americans were all targeted.
Long Island was a place of equal opportunity discrimination.
There has been relative calm since then with the occasional bigot who can be found in line at the movies, at the coffee shop or gas station.
So what is happening? Fear of a black president is thought to be the driving force behind this resurgence.
Catholics and Jews are relatively safe these days though those from Mexico are certainly experiencing the sting of discrimination as our job ratio has proportionately grown in their favor.
However, African- Americans have continued to be burdened with the biggest slice of the prejudice pie.
This country was founded on the premise of equality.
Where did the baby boomers learn their prejudice? From whence came the newest generation's prejudice?
It’s like charity folks-it begins at home!

Powerful post, thank you!
Seeing what the KKK does literally makes me sick to me stomach.
And you're right, this country was founded on the premise of equality - key word being "premise" - now if we could just put that into practice...
Some of us DO put it into practice. Obviously, others do not.
One of my daughters, who is a world renowned animal advocate, has actually chasteized me as she says I should have taught them to go beyond saving their OWN LITTLE CORNER OF THE WORLD.
I now subscribe to both. Do the little FAMILY thing.
Then by God, get the hell out of the house into the WORLD!
A reminder for all of us - none are better than others.
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