He actually shot himself in the foot by sending that note. All he had to do was a makeup paper addressing the issues that needed improvement.
I have been teaching many years and never experienced such a thing. I have never been scared of a student!
Big comings and goings all day. I bounced from one Dean’s office to another. I haven’t been involved in this much intrigue since… well never.
Guess I have led a rather boring life.
This thing followed me home: One e-mail after another, one call after another.
Just for the heck of it I went to the local grocery store where-yup-we have a blood pressure machine.
Sky high!
Therefore, now I am in bed, in my sweats, have taken an aspirin, and am watching the boob tube with the window open.
Fresh air feels good.
There will be more calls throughout the day.
If you do not hear from me. I have either dropped dead or have been done in by this fellow.
Or, I have done him in and have taken residence in the local jail!

No ma'am!! Are you kidding me??
Wow, kids really have anger issues these days.
...hmmm... I can relate.
Be SAFE with that open window, k?
This is no kid-this is a forty year old man!
That is where the real concern is.
Am enjoying the window. Have no plans to get sick or jump OUT of it!
LOL my bad! LOL
A 40 year old man ought to know better. Just be safe.
send me that fellow's email address. i feel honour bound to warn him not to piss you off anymore. the numpty does not realize who he is dealing with!!he should be afraid ... very, very afraid ;-)
Thanks Nulaanne.
The problem is that he is not just a regular guy.
I think there is a bit more going on.
That is why I went to the Dean.
LOL! you certainly know reef.
Sounds like the Posse needs to take a little midnight ride and apply some corrective action to this numpty (Holy Goddess, I love that word!).
I might have to ask all of you to round up. This is getting pretty serious!
I will have more info in a couple of days.
It may come down to a university board meeting and that is SO not my bag.
Thanks for all the back up ladies.
I'll keep you posted.
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