Rachel Maddow visited the View today. Rather than the tailored jacket which she invariably sports, our girl was dressed in a black top and slacks and heavy black framed glasses.
Maddow, make that Dr. Maddow, described herself as a real tomboy even though she had long blond hair as a child. Today she described herself as "a tall lesbian who looks like a man."
The political commentator who makes an effort to attain some degree of balance on her show is the first openly gay recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship. She attended Oxford University where she completed a doctorate in politics. Her thesis dealt with AIDS and the prison population.
The 35 year old is also the first openly gay person to anchor a prime-time program.
Born Rachel Anne Maddow on April 1, 1973 RM, as she is affectionately called by our community, admitted that her 'coming out' put her conservative parents at a definite disadvantage.
At seventeen she declared her sexual orientation on the girl's restroom wall. Her parents were not pleased. However, she states that all is now well.
Rachel explained that she receives a great deal of hate mail. Most of it mentions her homosexuality.
RM is, in part, exemplar of the attainment of equal rights. Hopefully young gay women and men will not have to be armed with a Rhodes Scholarship, stand 5'11 and possess an eye catching smile to attain happiness in their lives.
Hopefully marriage/civil partnership will no longer be an issue.
All they will require is birth and a dream.
I would love to chat it up with her. She just has a way of sayin' it.
And looking it too!
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