The following is a record of a pretty messed up day, the day after I concentrated all of my formidable witchy ways and hexed you-know-who.
I woke up and literally fell out of bed and laughed myself silly until as I rose and fell over my baby cat, almost killed her and banged my head into the edge of the bedroom door. I laughed again-ha!
As I prepared my coffee I dropped the jar. The coffee splattered on the counter, stove and on the floor that I had washed the previous day. What's the big deal you ask? I absolutely hate washing the kitchen floor as it is always dirty because its door exits onto the driveway and I had seldom put as much energy into washing it as I had the day before.
When it was time to start the morning routine I nearly choked to death on the one and only prescription drug that I take. I take a zillion vitamins and herbs a day some the size of a Boeing 707. This pill is ten times the size of a pin head!
After my shower upon doing the usual mirror mirror on the wall thing I observed a huge zit(I never get zits) on my face. Would you like to guess exactly where a pimple would emerge on a witche's face?
That is what vanity gets for using a 10 magnification mirror!
Scouting around for my glasses still wrapped in a towel-yup-I sat on them. Without bending the nose bridge I managed to flip both earpieces totally out of their pockets in the glass and sat there with a magnifying glass and twizzers and glue for an hour putting them back into a somewhat useful order.
With new resolve I left the house intent upon doing everything on my list. I would not be deterred!
I decided to start out at the local deli for some nourishment and ordered two eggs sunnyside up with cheese on a soft buttered roll.
I sat down and bit into my roll as the yolks burst open and a thick yellow flood spewed from the roll onto my shirt and into the crotch of my slacks.
This is when I realized that the hex had backfired: I went home to bathe and change my cloths.
From now on no more pubic hexes for me-only private ones!
It's called "the threefold law." What you do will be returned to you, three times three times three. Send some positive energy out there, and watch what happens!
Yes, right away-can't do it fast enough!!!
Girl, I try not to mess with the nasty mojo. That threefold law is so true.
and you may have been hexed again, Dear One. lol
unless you meant pubic hexes....
questioning eyebrow.
Nulaanne-just a little humor!
Now this is what happens when you PLAY!
It was all self-induced because I really am a GOOD GIRL!
ladyg-Are you the only one who caught my little word game?
Raised eyebrow indeed!
What a hoot!
Agreeing on the positive energy Anna recommends.
There's nothing like that feeling of overflowing with goodwill. Well, maybe there's something like it, but you know what I mean.
Sending you goooooood vibes.
Good, good, good vibrations!
Breaking into song at this very moment!
the hex is reversed? in the nick o' time too, if i may say so ms sugar.
are you aware that your hex caused the mobile mri truck to catch fire on it's way to the private hospital where i was waiting to have my foot ...
what the devil do you say...
Ah! Such power I HAD!
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