One AM, I could not sleep. I miss her. She loves snow but we have never been able to conjure up a snowfall when she comes to America.
I walked through the house. The boy cat, a huge hulking black tuxedo was flopped over the edge of the bed, his head and arms in a diving pose. His little sister had managed to wrap herself up in a jacket that I had left on the back of a chair. She had tumbled it down and rolled into it. She is a rather intelligent meow.
These cats have eschewed the laps and bellies of even my kids, yet, they find her more than acceptable. Animals know!
I used to absolutely love snow. My former husband took great delight is lighting up a cigar and spending hours shoveling the stuff with our kids helping on occasion.
For the last 20 years I have been dealing with the snow. Whenever I hear of a coming snow I automatically rise several times in the night and shovel a couple of inches at a time. Some people think that I am nuts. Yet, if you think about it it is the easier way to do it. And, I actually do enjoy it.
There is a sense of wonder being alone in the snow in the middle of the night. My street is countrified with giant oaks and lovely homes. The street lights cast a gentle light that exhibits the beauty. Each home becomes a christmas card.
I am aware of the sound of the shovel and just graze the snow leaving a thin layer thus protecting those who are in slumber.
As the years have passed so has my enthusiasm for shoveling. However, one can never come to discount the beauty of the first encounter, it is almost a shame to shovel it and disrupt the first blanketing.
I wish she were here to look at the wonder with me. We are like two peas in a pod. When we are together the minutes, hours, days pass in simplicity.
She is across the pond. Our reunion is thought to be a long way off . The disquietude I suffer is unsettling, there are more obstacles this time.
Some part of me is missing. I have a great deal to be grateful for and though I make an effort to remember that.............
Around here we get snow-thaw cycles between mid-november and Christmas. After Christmas is when winter usually sets in and stays. NJot this year. We've had steady snow and cold since the second week of November. Shoveling, higher heating bills, and a red, red nose are all part of my life right now. I love snow, but by March I'm ready for spring.
You really set a mood here, M.M., from the picture, to the snow, to the cigar, to the quiet shoveling.
How adept you are at that!
I commend you.
Arial, I am ALREADY ready for Spring. Something tells me this ole girl is gonna head south when this little ole house sells.
Margo, I am most pleased that you found merit in the piece.
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