The one looks up
listens to the sound
of the other
all sounds
sounds that are silent
sounds that echo
to and beyond
the hills
to the far side
she is prone
by the flame
of awareness
the other
in matchless poise
who sees
without eyes
and makes music
without strokes
while receiving
all from
the magic spring
of life
the totem
stands guard
to the west
the place
from whence
might the
enemies come
they do not exist
only to harm
these two
they exist
in nature
the breaking down
of flesh
the robber
of speech
the stiller of breath
the totem
as the distance
is great
the journey
but hope
is held
for these two
on this
their last night
Copyright © m.m.sugar 2008
Wow, that went by fast. But, better to send her back now with some of that lovely "wine product" and then go see her very soon and pop the cork
Trouble is-we don't know when that is going to happen.
This time we are both worried.
Keep you fingers crossed.
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